Friday, October 9, 2009

Hurrah for Fall!

The cool front that blew in today just reminded me: I really love fall. The air is so crisp and it just feels so good to be outside! And is it just me or does fall smell good too? Also, fall gives the opportunity to wear scarfs :D A scarf is something I have never quite managed to finish before. I've attempted knitting one a few times but I'll start out with 20 or so rows and end up with 35... then I just flat out loose interest and give up. (haha! I'm such a failure XD) But this year will be different. I will succeed in making a scarf by the end of the winter! (and I shall post it on this blog!... hopefully)

So there's one of my goals, here are the others:
1. Learn to crochet something other than a blob
2. Make a frog plushie for Ingo Ringo
3. Make a purse out of shopping bags
4. Sew a dress (for myself to wear)
5. Make a quilt (or a quilt-like bag)
6. Sell something I make
7. Go to Vatican City and start speaking Latin to a random person!!!

Well, #7 is completely irrelevant but basically I'm going to attempt to accomplish these things and record my progress here. We'll see how it goes!

Also, here are some examples of things I've made so far:

(Data, Star Trek TNG)

(Mr. Spock, Star Trek: TOS)

I'll wait until later to upload some more pictures :)

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