Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Well it's been awhile XD I guess I've just been recovering from the homework neglect that comes from actually finishing NaNoWriMo... a combination of that and just flat out being lazy XD
anyways, I've been busy making things for my friends/family for Christmas which is coming up in (golly!) only three days!!
Anyways, here is a doll I made for my sister:

It's Kurt from the show Glee. He's her (and my) favorite character :)

and right now I am currently working on making a pair of pajamas! :D I've made the pants so far and now just have to make the top (which seems a lot more difficult) but oh well, we'll see how it turns out :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

So, I went to another anime convention the other day and discovered this really funny anime/webcomic thing called Axis Powers Hetalia :D It takes place during WW2 and each character is a country. And when I got back from the convention I had the sudden urge to sew (instead of writing my NaNoWriMo like a good person) so I made Italy! :D :D :D
So that was fun... but now I must get back to writing! >:( I have about 30,000 words so far which means... ONLY 20,000 MORE WORDS TO GO!! (ahaha, only 20,000 more words :( )

Sunday, November 15, 2009

1/2 Way!


i think i'm going to go die now

Friday, November 6, 2009


It's November now and you know what that means: It's time for National November Writing Month! (or NaNoWriMo for short) the goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days.... and let me tell you, it sure keeps you busy! So I probably wont be making any more craft things until November is over :)

also, I found out I got trigger finger from fencing. bleh bleh bleh. Now my middle finger hurts and its hard to move it in the morning (it pops and gets stuck bent over).... I have to find a way to get it to go away D:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Petey Piranha and King Boo...

Yes! I finished making the Petey Piranha costume for my friend :D I hope she likes it. It is made of felt, and foam stuff (the petals). When you put it on, your head is in the middle of the mouth :) With it, she's just going to wear a long sleeved green shirt, green sweat pants and a red skirt with white polka dots on it.
Then, for some reason my mind was still on the theme of Mario characters so I carved Petey Piranha's companion (on Mario Kart at least), King Boo, into a pumpkin!

King Boo is my favorite Mario character :3

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ahhh, I've been so lazy lately... all I did this weekend was wander around the house and watch Ghost Hunt on youtube (which is really scary, but really good, by the way!) I also went to the craft store and bought some fabric to make my friend a Petey Piranha costume out of... we'll see how that turns out D:
So the only thing I sewed this weekend was this:
That was fun to make :)
Also on my list of things to do before Halloween is make a Star Trek emblem and sew some gold rick rack to my Dad's shirt (he's going to be Spock) :D

Friday, October 16, 2009

Getting ready for Halloween

Yes! Halloween is coming up soon :) I will be going as the archeology/mythology specialist from Star Trek: TOS... okay, well I don't think there really is that position on the enterprise but that is totally what I would be if I was a starfleet graduate. I intended on making the dress myself (and accomplishing one of my goals in the meantime) but unfortunately I couldn't find a patern so I had to buy one off of the interwebz
This is the one I got: http://trekcostumes.com/images/60289.jpg
So, to go with it, I made a tricorder out of a shoebox... It needs quite a few touch-ups but overall I think it turned out okay :D

I also made this really crappy phaser lol:

Wow... I'm such a dork ^___^